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Getting Started with KeyDB Open Source

Run on Docker#

Install Docker#

If you haven't installed docker you can install with $ sudo apt-get install docker

Pull and Run#

Pull the latest KeyDB docker image with $ sudo docker pull eqalpha/keydb. Alternatively, if you start by using the run command, docker will pull the latest image prior to running. The basic run command will be $ sudo docker run eqalpha/keydb

You will likely want to customize your configuration on startup. You can find out more on our docker page. We will go over a few examples here on launching docker containers:

Launching an Instance#

$ docker run -p 6379:6379 --name mycontainername -d eqalpha/keydb keydb-server /etc/keydb/keydb.conf --requirepass mypassword

Here we launched a container with name 'mycontainername', it was launched in 'detached' mode to run in the background, we specified the repository 'eqalpha/keydb', followed by calling the program 'keydb-server' and referencing the config file with an update to the 'requirepass' parameter. keydb-server will launch by default if a program is not otherwise specified. You have to specify the program if you need to specify additional parameters.

Connect with keydb-cli#

In order to connect to the server running within the docker container, you'll need the IP address. The IP address can be obtained by running the following command:

$ docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' mycontainername

then run the following:

$ docker run -it --rm eqalpha/keydb keydb-cli -h <ipaddress-from-above> -p 6379

The 'rm' parameter removes the container when you are done with it

Using the KeyDB PPA#

Please see this article for more details on our PPA and using deb packages. However in order to use the PPA it's as simple as:

$ echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/keydb.list
$ sudo wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/keydb.gpg
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install keydb

Using KeyDB as a Service#

Once the Debian package is installed you can start or stop the service with:

$ sudo service keydb-server start
$ sudo service keydb-server stop

You can customize your KeyDB configuration in /etc/keydb/keydb.conf

Installed Binaries#

Once the binary packages are installed, you can also run an instance by calling the binary directly and passing parameters. For example:

$ keydb-server --port 6379 --requirepass mypassword --server-threads 7

Here we launched keydb-server and passed in parameters to the default config file. You can also specify the configuration file which you may have already customized.

$ keydb-server ./path/to/config/keydb.conf

Connect with keydb-cli#

$ keydb-cli -h -p 6379

For more information please see PPA & DEB Install

Build Community KeyDB#

Take a look at our docs on building KeyDB (Open Source). Once you have installed the binaries (make install) you can simply call the program at the command line keydb-server. You will want to specify you directory location, logfile location, and .conf location.

Once installed you can remove the project folder you cloned but make sure to copy 'keydb.conf' from the top level directory into a location of your choice.