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Getting Started with Active Replication

Set up a network, run active replica servers, connect clients and test#

set up a network for our docker containers.#

$ docker network create mynetwork

you can view the network with $ docker network ls

launch nodes#

$ docker run --name mynode1 --net mynetwork eqalpha/keydb

To launch with custom config file:#

$ docker run -v /path-to-config-file/redis.conf:/etc/keydb/redis.conf --net mynetwork --name mynode1 -d eqalpha/keydb

To launch with updates to current config file:#

$ docker run --net mynetwork --name mynode1 -d eqalpha/keydb keydb-server /etc/keydb/redis.conf --active-replica yes

The following may assist when updating redis.config obtained from our github page or use the updated one contained in this example:#

Comment out “bind”, change "protected-mode" from yes to no. If you want to enable Active Replica Support then uncomment "active-replica yes".

To get the ipaddress of the node you just made:#

$ docker inspect -f '{{ (index .NetworkSettings.Networks "mynetwork").IPAddress }}' mynode1

If you wanted to run a client to connect to a node on this network:

$ docker run -it --net mynetwork eqalpha/keydb keydb-cli -h <ip-address-of-node> -p 6379


Try creating two nodes, then connect one client to each as stated above. Once you are connected to the keydb server with keydb-cli, call each node to be a replica of the other node via REPLICAOF <your-node-ip-address>:6379

Once both nodes are replicas of eachother you can write SET testval1 hello into one client, then on the next client write GET testval1 you should see the response "hello".